“Star Trek” star clashes with Twitter bots, supports Vitalik Buterin

ICO News

Eighty-seven-year-old Canadian actor and producer William Shatner has demonstrated a stamina to fight for the sake of Vitalik Buterin in Twitter environment. He clashes with Ethereum founder’s critics talking to one of them, self proclaiming to “coder”, that “Then as a coder – go develop your own blockchain technology where you can be 1000% sure of decentralization. Or shove money in a mattress. I hear that’s only overseen by the bed bug community.”

He also suggest that it’d be great to codify Ethereum based tokens generation, the process that takes a shape. The famous Hollywood star talked to one of the Buterin’s critics and said that some “viewpoints don’t take into account the fact that the code has to be audited by an auditing firm and approved by consortium or it doesn’t get accepted. He thinks it exists in a bubble. That’s why we have ERC-20, ERC-721… ERC-1701.”

William Shatner previously also demonstrated an interest into Ethereum: “@BobSummerwill the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance? Are we absolutely sure @VitalikButerin isn’t a Star Wars fan? I’ve heard rumors…some started by myself!” The actor joined ranks with Gwyneth Paltrow who also showed her involvement into cryptocurrencies.

Ethereum also got a praise from Sergey Brin, one of two Google founders, and CEO Google Sundar Pichai: they both revealed that in their families there are sons mining Ethereum.

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