celebrities and crypto

The top celebrities promoting tokens

cryptocurrency ICO News

The ordinary people like listening to the people who’re being “stars”, the popular media figures, actors and actresses, singers and other performers. Sometimes these people started backing some altcoins…

  1. Actor Steven Seagal endorsed the dubious cryptocurrency under the name of Bitcoiin2Gen. He has made official statement in his verified Twitter account https://twitter.com/sseagalofficial/status/965898618443051008 but now this tweet doesn’t exist. But the official statement https://bitcoiin2gen.pr.co/163919-zen-master-steven-seagal-has-become-the-brand-ambassador-of-bitcoiin2gen?reheat_cache=1 made byBitcoiin2Gen team is still valid. After above mentioned February of 2018 statement there were March activities but April became the last month when this project had a voice at his official site. The Twitter account https://twitter.com/Bitcoiin2G?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw of the project is purged. Bitcoiin2Gen may resurrect again since it’s very strange project since its initiation: it was kicked-off in 2015 year in Panama but was underground for several years until 2018 year starts.
  2. Paris Hilton, the heir of Hilton empire, made a brave endorsement for unknown token Lydian Coin. He published in September of 2017 year a tweet stating “Looking forward to participating in the new @LydianCoinLtd Token! #ThisIsNotAnAd #CryptoCurrency #BitCoin #ETH #BlockChain”. This tweet is unavailable now. This promotion waked mostly “meh” emotions according to the poll https://twitter.com/maxkeiser/status/904474634426486784 conducted by crypto analyst Max Keiser. The Twitter timeline of Lydian Coin is not being updated since last retweet https://twitter.com/DaVinci11MC/status/1018992034437140481 made at 17th of July of 2018 year.
  3. Oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx has made a fame in crypto world when he announced https://twitter.com/iamjamiefoxx/status/909864791249846277 his support for ICO of Cobinhood tokens. Cobinhood is still alive token presented itself as Cryptocurrency exchange + ICO services. Meanwhile the price of this token since all time high is -99.16 % less. Interestingly that ICO team of this project didn’t hide its mistakes, and Cobinhood creator and CEO Popo Chen present a video clip in which he demonstrates feels of regret for controversial practices performed by the Cobinhood ICO.
  4. Boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr.’s romance with cryptocurrencies is being described in The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ruling in last days of November of 2018 year. As SEC states https://www.sec.gov/litigation/admin/2018/33-10578.pdf had to pay $100,000 fine for law violation when he’s got payments from three ICO teams developing Centra Tech, Stox and Hubii Network coins.
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Stox gathered in August of 2018 year 148,000 Ethereum coins that were equal at that time more than $30 million. This success of Stox being attributed to huge support from Floyd Mayweather Jr. who has published promotional post at his Instagram account.

After three weeks Floyd Mayweather Jr. started promoting Hubii Network and published a relevant tweet https://twitter.com/FloydMayweather/status/900459256784334851 .

At last in September famous boxer started supporting Centra ICO. Nevertheless that boxer’s post about good perspectives of this ICO has attracted almost 260,000 likes the lead people behind Centra crypto project were indicted by grand jury on charges of conspiracy and fraud.

After such vibrant journey to crypto world Floyd Mayweather Jr. has voluntarily paid to US state $300,000 as repayment of ill-gotten gains, as well as the same sum as penalty and $14,775 in accrued interest.

5. Famous DJ Khaled occurred in the same crypto boat with Floyd Mayweather Jr. Khaled arranged an orchestrated promotion campaign for infamous Centra tokens and faced a toll since as SEC stated DJ has received $50,000 as reward from Centra Tech for his efforts. But the US officials disliked it and forced Khaled to pay $50,000 as repayment of ill-gotten gains, the huge $100,000 penalty and $2,725 as accrued interest. Khaled also took an oath don’t promote any securities and tokens for two years. But after that?..

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