How to track Bitcoin and altcoins prices?

ICO News has already introduced as one of the most popular free service to track Bitcoin and altcoins prices. But this site tracks only roughly 2,000 cryptocurrencies.

1. Such deficiency is elevated at the resource that covers 6,000+ cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, altcoins and tokens. So if one wants looking deeply into crypto market he may go to this link and go through the registration process.

2. Another site worth being recommended is In the beginning of 2018 Fall this site that was available at link was transformed as part of site. The previous design was simple and traditional, black on white. Now we see the dark background and this sometimes wakes feelings about recent crypto winter one may still witnesses to the end of 2018 and probably in the beginning of 2019 year nevertheless bold prediction of Tom Lee of Fundstrat Global Advisors that Bitcoin would hit $15,000 level at the end of 2018 year – first day of 2019 year. The first panel at the site provides users relevant information about the data categories one can browse through the site contents. Interestingly this site may be unavailable in some countries such as Russia if one uses internet without VPN-service.

3. looks as a direct competitor to the but its data on any specific cryptocurrency looks more convenient. Just check information about Bitcoin. There is also useful feature that provides Twitter feed for specific cryptocurrency, in our case there is a Twitter information flow about BTC.

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4. The last for this survey but not the least is This site as as well also unavailable in some countries but it’s worth to use some proxy IP for to reach it. It’s real-time price dynamics, for example for Ethereum. This link provides instant access to the data including the most trading cryptocurrencies pairs, and it’s a brilliant find for any trader who will strike arbitrage deals comparing the prices for specific cryptocurrency at any crypto exchanges. This data opens an opportunity to chunk profit at any market circumstances since any trader may figure out when he (or she) may buy and sell the same cryptoasset now for various prices.

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