Crypto exchange Huobi opens office in Russia

ICO News

The Singapore based crypto exchange Huobi office is going to open Russian office despite of the fact of surmounting sanctions US power exerts over Russia. The time of opening is 12th of November. The crypto trading platform gets Russian interface and local support services (24-hour Russian speaking call center). The plans of Huobi is going beyond just arrangement cryptocurrencies trade in Russia: the company is going “to support” FinTech startups and crypto mining projects.

Huobi is going to evolve in Russia a project of mining hotels. For example, ASIC and GPU rigs may be installed in a Moscow-based hotel for between 1,100 and 3,200 rubles a month (about $18 – $49) plus 5 rubles (about $0,08) per kWh of consumed electricity.

Huobi also launches educational program but there is still unclear what’s the stuff it will deliver. If it’s going some “just talk about cryptocurrencies and mining essentials” then this project will fail. The same scenario may be realized if lecturers are going to decorate their lectures with sophisticated technical peculiarities.

Huobi is the third by volume largest cryptocurrencies in the world following OKEx and Binance. This summer Huobi revealed that it’s about to launch a new cryptocurrency trading service targeting institutional investors. In August, it presented Huobi Cloud, a platform that gives other companies to spread digital asset trading services applying the existing Huobi’s infrastructure.

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