Wall Street signalizes that crypto adoption is real

ICO News

There are a few of news that proves that Wall Street seriously considers cryptocurrencies as the very real thing to grasp. Bloomberg hints that Nasdaq is going to launch Bitcoin futures in the first quarter of 2019 year. The agency quotes “two people familiar with the matter” that the preliminary work for this step is under way.

According to the two unnamed sources, Nasdaq “has been working to satisfy the concerns of the U.S.’s main swaps regulator, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), before launching the contracts.”
The first Bitcoin futures were launched in December last year when Chicago based CBOE and CME group has launched such financial products. The Bakkt platform developed by Intercontinental Exchanges is going to launch Bitcoin futures 24th January next year.

Another financial products, ETP, was recently launched at SIX, Switzerland based fourth by volume stock exchange in Europe. These products are like Bitcoin ETF pending the approval from US SEC. Barron’s states that New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) chairman Jeffrey Sprecher believes that there is “the unequivocal answer yes” if one questions the viability of cryptocurrencies.

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