The new generation of shopping with Order Coin (ORC)

ICO News

Until now, if you wanted to buy an item online, you had to waste substantial amount of time on surfing through all items that showed up on your search until you found the right product or services for an affordable price. This is now a thing of the past.

Imagine a service where it’s not you who is doing the online search, but where you get served. Exactly the way it happens if you are walking in a brick-and-mortar store. Only that this service offers you the selection of several hundred stores. Local stores or stores from far away, the choice is yours.

The benefits of our business model and our solution

Our objective is to turn the process of shopping upside down and inside out, and to reverse the process of online shopping. To provide services with unparalleled convenience that spare time, resources and money for its users.

The objective is to shift the burden of searching for the right product from consumers to businesses offering the products or services by finding what the customer wants and needs. The only thing customers should do is to choose the best of the relevant offers they are getting.

Reaching consumers, showcasing and introducing their products and services is more difficult for small enterprises.

Our solution will allow for local businesses and consumers to find each other even more easily, and by making good use of this opportunity, the enterprises will be able to increase their turnover and profitability potential as well.

By our services to be provided to small- and medium-sized enterprises, we will make available to them in a cost-effective way the latest digital and information technologies, which will result in such significant competitive ability and efficiency improvements for them.

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Payment transactions within our system will be conducted by using ORC (Order Coin). The ORC Token will be integrated into the point of sale for retail partners, thus playing an active role in gaining the acceptance of blockchain and tokens in mainstream retail.

For the ORC Token, we conducted a comprehensive research to choose a segment of the economy challenged by considerable efficiency problems and lagging behind in terms of competitiveness.

In other words, we were identifying the segment facing real economic problems. We created ORC Token to combat this, integrating it into the improving prospects of players, making it the key of the solution.

ICO of the ORC Token is underway. It started on 05 April 2018, with the details available on our website.

ORC Token’s largest benefit is that we have created it in a way that its use within our system as a medium of exchange would mean a significant help for increasing profits of businesses playing an important role in the business life of communities, local economies, and countries. These businesses are also supported in their adoption of new technological trends and growth. At the same time, we offer useful services for consumers.

Serving the improvement of real economic processes gives it a firm base for becoming widely used and for spreading beyond its original scope.

The significance of this lies in the fact that the value of a currency is ultimately defined by the advantages of its use, the services associated with it, the goods that it purchases, and its recognition.

For small businesses using our system will be beneficial as well, since their competitive handicap coming from their lack of financial-human-and other resources will cease, as they will get access to a ready-made digital system for affordable price.

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With our solution the enterprises will be able to get access to a targeted consumer group via our system which reflects their real needs and interests for the products marketed by them.

consumers and businesses.

Right from the drawing board, our aim was to create a win-win situation for consumers and businesses using our system. People may spend their time and resources freed up by using our services for quality activities, while businesses are enabled to reach and serve consumers actually interested in their products or services.

Advantages of our solution:

– for small businesses using our system will be beneficial as well, since their competitive handicap coming from their lack of financial-human-and other resources will cease, as they will get access to a ready-made digital system for affordable price

– a list of items narrowed down to match the preferences/needs of the consumer

– the majority of expenditures on ads by businesses is eliminated

– they reach their consumers effortlessly and efficiently

– increases in sales of local businesses

– increase of employment

– a cryptocurrency accepted by regulations due to the advantages offered for the local economy

– we are able to ensure a bilateral and interactive relationship between businesses and consumers

– resulting in an increase of customer satisfaction

– businesses get an immediate feedback from their customers, enabling them to come up with a fast solution to their needs

– resulting in a continuous improvement of their services, and consequently, granting them better chances to keep their customers

– this would cutting back expenses and boosting results in every way for businesses using our services

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– with our solution the businesses will be able to get access to a targeted consumer group via our system which reflects their real needs and interests for the products marketed by them

– that will mean significant qualitative improvement and higher effectiveness for them in order to get easier access to potential consumers

We are building a complex ecosystem

Building up gradually, we aim to provide the full range of fintech services for both consumers and businesses.

The basis of our conservative risk management- and business philosophy is to build everything — just like a house — to a firm foundation to allow for a successful operation and dynamic growth on the long run. Clear Shop Vision Ltd. was founded in October 2016.

We believe that a solid fundament we build our business on is a carefully planned and viable business model allowing for a profitable operation from the earliest point possible.

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology in which we see immense potential. We are positive that industries based on these new foundations will reach an efficiency that will force players using traditional technologies behind those who are building on these blockchain foundations.

We have created our business strategy along these lines and launched our enterprise with a view to participate in this revolution from the very start. We want to shape it and get our share from it, the result of which will reflect in the value of ORC Token, our currency.

For further details of our project, visit our website:


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