Joseph Lubin: blockchain is a movement

ICO News

One of the founders of Ethereum, Joseph Lubin, who currently run ConsenSys as CEO, believes that blockchain is “more than a market. It’s a movement.” He argues that there is no need to be focused on market parameters of cryptocurrencies, new kind of money based on the distributed ledger technology (DLT). He rules out the leading role of centralized infrastructure for crypto world and stresses that Decentralized networks are growing. He cites such data as more than 10 billion daily API requests served by More than one million downloads of Truffle suite. The same figure of success is relevant for downloads.

He also cites 12 thousands live Ethereum nodes, more than 48 million unique Ethereum addresses. Lubin also points that Ethereum team has announced on LinkedIn three new blockchain job openings.

These figures are underpinned by the facts showing that blockchains are solving real-world problems. By this statement Lubin counterattacks the results of USAID funded research that took a sample of 43 blockchain technical decisions and come to conclusion that there were no visible and apparent achievements declared. Lubin points that governments embrace. There are successful cases: Israel’s encrypted messaging system, Estonia’s electronic healthcare record trials, Dubai’s 2020 initiative, South Africa Reserve Bank’s Quorum blockchain trial, Japan’s e-voting system and the blockchain processing of IDs verification in Zug, Switzerland. Lubin summarizes that “Decentralization is not just technological. It is social. Organizations are evolving” underlining that the driving motor of DLT is not technology but people who run it.

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