Bitcoin Gold lost ground after 51% attack

ICO News

Bitcoin Gold (BTG) has got a negative stance from investors as it faced by 18-th of May 51% attack. The ramifications are still in power since there are orphan nodes and some locked accounts so some users are experiencing with withdrawal of their assets. For last 7 days BTG ($53,03) lost 5% of it value and 7% over the month. For last three moths the decline is steeper and is about 61% and 66% of it value was lost for last 6 months. All “red” figures show alert signal for this embattled altcoin.

Bitcoin Gold is a distributed digital currency. It is a hardfork of Bitcoin, the open source crypto coins. The official goal of the hard fork was to restore the mining feature with common Graphics Processing Units (GPU), in place of mining with specialized ASIC (customized chipsets), used to mine Bitcoin. But at the same time some traders check the real time of transactions approval that sometimes last too long, for 2-3 hours.

BTG tries to regain an interest from investors and because of it the team has spent all three full days at the Consensus 2018 as the official Twitter-account of BTG team states. As far as BTG loses value some supporters is going to defend the altcoin. As Twitter user and community BTG manager Gustavo del Rio argues, “the whole market is in red at the current time. If you compare the charts BTG is not losing at much value as others. Understanding the fluctuations is important. We are confident about the future of BTG! Great news for the upcoming days”. As it is known BTG is going to launch BTG Pay programme.

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