ICO News

On January, 26 the most engaged members of the global blockchain community will gather in Moscow at World Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Summit – the large-scale meeting dedicated to Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain, ICO and STO.

The event will include a press conference with the leading experts of the crypto market, a plenary session and plenary discussions running the gamut of topics. The visitors are to have the whole day of deepening into blockchain environments as the event takes place from the early morning till late evening.

How does the banking system changes under the pressure of blockchanization? What is the best way to implement blockchain into your household? Will STO fade away or continue the market invasion? There is an endless row of unanswered questions and unsolved problems.

World Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Summit is the neat solution to all this uncertainty. 50 top speakers will be there to discuss the most pressing issues. Either professionals or amateurs will gain the info useful for business development and the better understanding of modern market conditions.

The event is organized by the largest International Decentralized Association of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain (IDACB) and has become a new platform for regular meetings of IDACB board members. World ICO Show is promoted throughout the world and supported by representatives of 95 countries.

The event will take place in Central Business Space centre, Moscow. 500 blockchainers have already applied for the participation! Stand your chance to join the event as well. Get your ticket right through the official website.

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