Bitcoin stays hard against criticism

ICO News

8-th May has show that Bitcoin stood hard against criticism poured out by Microsoft Corp. co-founder and philanthropist Bill Gates who joined the ranks of people who hates BTC. Earlier Warren Buffet’s long-time business partner Charlie Munger have told CNBC that Bitcoin is “worthless artificial gold”. Gates believes that “Bitcoin and ICOs, I believe completely they’re some of the crazier, speculative things”. When asked if he posses any of the digital currency, he indicated that somebody gifted him bitcoin for his birthday once, and he sold it a few years ago.

Meanwhile Bitcoin has only ticked lower, to $9297 showing a minuscule decrease from the level of the week’s beginning. The BTC market capitalization is gearing around $160 billion figure. This figure shows that it’s not easy to buy out all the market if anybody wants. And this has a point. As we know JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley are eager to start crypto trading in coming weeks and they are going to do it in a big scale. Nasdaq exchange is in preparations to start crypto trade in house. Moreover the existing crypto exchanges such as Gemini and Paybis develop special investment products designated to the work with institutional investors with big crypto orders. In this situation Bill Gates, Charlie Munger and Warren Buffet himself look as outdated investment folk who lost the direction.

It’s important to know that Bitcoin evolves and adopt new features that help in solving some its drawbacks. For example as far it concerns the transactions’ speed the new feature as coin mixer can help in boosting this parameter. In defense of Bitcoin the founder of Litecoin has spoken loudly. Charlie Lee, the “father” of LTC reacting to recent Bitcoin outrage by his tweet in which he guessed that criticism “sounds like some people are scared of Bitcoin”. And he added that “Bitcoin honey badger doesn’t care though!” As a summary of recent debates former Snap employee and cryptoinvestor Anthony Pompliano has said in his tweet: “Two of the richest men in the world spent the day calling Bitcoin “rat poison,” “turds,” and “harvested baby brains.” I’ve never been more bullish than I am today”.

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