Jack Dorsey endorses crypto for Internet

ICO News

Jack Dorsey who is co-founder and CEO of Twitter, and founder and CEO of Square, a mobile payments company, has arisen at the last day of Consensus 2018 conference as a big crypto enthusiast. He endorsed the emergence of new crypto. As he said  the Internet is going to have a native currency so let’s make it happen — and encourage it to be used in healthy ways.

It’s weird but Twitter has banned almost all crypto ads including ICO while one of the front men of this social network is fond of crypto and blockchain. But there is no unique case since the same case may happen with Mark Zuckerberg whose Facebook has banned crypto promotion but at the same time Facebook and crypto exchange Coinbase has mutual management connections.

Jack Dorsey insisted to use Twitter as a tool for conversation, “while you follow the conversation, just jump in, and have a point of view”. It sounds that Jack Dorsey offers biggest and most bullish talk on the future of cryptocurrency citing his exciting speech at the Consensus 2018. His offline appearance was followed his remarks that “we need to have the space to evolve our thinking and the way we evolve our approaches. To do that in public is scary but it is so important”.

Meanwhile, Consensus 2018 has anticipated as a strong event that gives a boost to the whole cryptocurrency market but this hope has failed. There is no Consensus pump. Most cryptocurrencies has lost a ground during 16-th of May.

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