Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Prague: the main blockchain event of the Czech Republic is here again

Blockchain Events

Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Prague, the fourth annual event dedicated to the blockchain, cryptocurrencies and ICO, will be held on May 17. This is one of the largest platforms in Europe for the exchange of experience and search for potential partners.

Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Prague is an event organized by the Smile-Expo company, which created a network of blockchain events in 20 countries around the world. The organizers intend to exceed last year’s success: experts from IBM, PwC and other companies known in the crypto community will be among the speakers.

Guests will hear presentations:

On blockchain and its impact on business and the economy

Rene Bostic from IBM will analyze cases of blockchain application in business and tell you the key points of the process. The blockchain developer from the American IT company CA Technologies Alexandru Popa will tell about the impact of blockchain on user identification systems.

The head of consulting company VOX ICO Consulting Stefano Virgilli will clearly explain the blockchain basics. Representative of the European Organization for Nuclear Research Manuel Martin Marquez will talk on the acceleration of scientific progress after blockchain was introduced.

On ICO and cryptocurrencies

Guenther Dobrauz, partner in PwC Legal Switzerland, will explain how affordable investments in ICO will be in the future and whether token sale will replace venture capital. The co-founder of GRAFT Blockchain, Dan Itkis, will explain how to make the integration of crypto payments ubiquitous.

Co-founder of the blockchain platform Crowdgolding Alex Bozhinov will explain how power, politics and finance transformed the ICO. The co-founder of ICO accelerator Iconiq Lab Sandris Murins will talk on how to create a token and what is needed for this.


Exhibition area

In addition to the conference, an exhibition area will be available to Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Prague guests. Companies representing the blockchain industry will demonstrate their achievements here:
• hardware and software for mining;
• blockchain developments;
• trading, marketing and technological services.


The event will be held in the fashionable Hotel Ambassador Zlatá Husa, which is located in the historical center of the Czech capital. Guests will enjoy diving not only in the world of cryptocurrencies, but also in the atmosphere of one of the most beautiful European cities. Address: Václavské náměstí 840/5, 110 00, Prague 1.

Registration, the full program and news of the event >>>

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