blockchain life 2018

Blockchain Life 2018

Blockchain Events

In Russia, St. Petersburg took place one of the largest international blockchain, cryptocurrency and mining forum – Blockchain Life 2018.

The global industry event was attended by leading companies in the industry, including: world cryptocurrency exchanges (Okex, Huobi, etc.), mining giants Bitmain, Bitfury and, creators and top managers of key cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin Gold, NEM, etc.), leading Asian funds, investing in blockchain startups.

In two days, the forum gathered more than 4,000 participants from different cities and countries. In one place, it was possible to collect cryptocurrency funds from around the world, private investors, representatives of top coins, crypto traders, owners of ICO projects, entrepreneurs, developers, miners and novice crypto enthusiasts. On the forum was announced a new equipment from leading developers, international companies entered into partnerships on the main stage on the forum and on the sidelines, and the participants were able to personally communicate with world industry leaders.

Industry leaders gave unique presentations at the forum: Roger Ver (, Sergey Khitrov (Listing.Help,, Anatoly Kaplan (ForkLog), Vit Jedlička (President of Liberland), Tone Vays (Trader and Analyst), Jason Hu (World Blockchain Organization), Khalid Dianov (BigX) and other leading industry representatives.

The key moment of the forum was the thematic section “The State and Blockchain”, which was attended by the head of the working group on cryptocurrencies in the State Duma Elina Sidorenko, advisor to the chairman of the board of Vnesheconombank Vladimir Demin, adviser to the Governor of St. Petersburg Artem Sheykin, member of the expert council on digital economics and blockchain technologies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Venera Shaidullina. The section was moderated by the main organizer of the forum – Sergey Khitrov.

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“Some project and it has the word blockchain, then this is necessarily the leading project of the company. Even if the blockchain is not needed there in any way. And we need this bubble of mistrust, we need to pierce at least once. As soon as people see that it works and brings some benefits, we will immediately see another attention to our industry, ”says Demin, calling for the popularization of technology.

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One of the most memorable episodes of the forum is the presentation of ICO-projects by investors and crypto funds from different countries – from Italy to China. As part of the ICO Pitch, 15 innovative projects were made, of which three of the most promising were noted: the HYGH media advertising providers platform, the CoinStruction multi-functional cryptocurrency exchange system, and the Blueshare token.

The organizer of the forum is the leading global agency for listing projects on cryptocurrency exchanges –

General sponsor of the forum was the international platform Goldjob. Among the partners of the conference it is worth mentioning the Swiss stock exchange for digital assets – BigX. Diamond forum sponsors: market leader in listing projects on Listing.Help cryptocurrency exchanges, Bitlish cryptocurrency exchange, ICOTOP rating agency and SIMEX cryptocurrency exchange.

After the enchanting success of the forum in Russia, the organizers are planning to hold an event in the heart of Asia – Singapore, in the spring of 2019.


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