The current price of Bitcoin at the moment is $87,499.00, the capitalization of the coin (marketcap) is in the region of $1,734.39 B. Over the past 24 hours, the price of a token has changed to -4.17% down.
Crypto trading
You can buy Bitcoin as well as sell, trade and store this currency by clicking on the buttons next to the current coin rate or by
clicking on this link. There is an opportunity to buy over 150 cryptocurrencies with your bank card on this exchange.
Check transaction
You can trace the Bitcoin transaction by selecting the Block Explorer item on the current page. After switching to Block Explorer, enter the hash (TxID) or the number of your wallet or the wallet number of the recipient, after which it will be possible to track the cryptocurrency transaction. You can share this information with other users by selecting the desired social network icons.
Bitcoin chart in a graph
If you want to track price changes for a certain period, use the Chart tab. Select the desired date on the charts below (the \"From\" and \"To\" fields), or determine the period for which you want to track the changes of the Bitcoin rate - from a day to a year. The changes of the price, fluctuations in the value of the coin over the past year are displayed on the visual chart below. Choose a ready-made period - a day, a week, a month, 3 months, half a year, a year - or use the slider under the table to build a graph for an individual period of time.
The leaders of the rise and fall of cryptocurrencies
What cryptocurrencies have risen most in price and become cheaper over the past 24 hours? TOP 50 market growth and fall leaders are available on
this page. The table uses regularly updated online data. The Top Gainers and Losers ranking contains the 50 cryptocurrencies that got cheaper or more expensive in the last 24 hours.